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GET YOUR FLU SHOT TODAY at Doctors at Australia Fair



For anyone covered by the National Immunisation Program

BOOK NOW - CALL 07 5528 3806

Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all people aged 6 months and over (unless contraindicated). Due to the unprecedented circumstances of potential coincidence of high numbers of influenza, other respiratory pathogens, and COVID-19 cases, the Department of Health has also identified the following cohorts who may also be at risk. The National Immunisation Program (NIP) funds influenza vaccines for people most at risk.


1. People aged 6 months and over with certain medical risk factors

This includes anyone aged 6 months and over who has:

  • heart disease

  • severe asthma (requiring frequent medical consultations or use of multiple medications)

  • chronic lung conditions

  • diseases of the nervous system which affect your breathing

  • impaired immunity

  • diabetes

  • kidney disease

  • haemoglobinopathies

  • children aged six months to 10 years on long-term aspirin therapy

2. All children aged 6 months to less than 5 years

3. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over

4. People aged 65 years and over

5. Pregnant women - Any trimester during each pregnancy

6. People aged 16 years and over who are immunocompromised

7. Residents of residential aged care facilities

If you belong to any of the risk prone groups, you are eligible to receive a free flu shot each year.

Flu Vaccines are available for $20 for all other patients not covered by the National Immunisation Program


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